Mainline Model Railways

Price List


Retail Price Guide August 1976


Consumer Price Guide January 1981



Trade Catalogues and Price Lists.

I am indebted to Peter Gomm for the following information

My first trade price list is dated 5th January 1976 and this is followed by one dated 4th August 1976. These go together with a Trade Preview Catalogue in black and white.

This was followed by a 1977 Preview Catalogue again in black and white with a price list dated July 18th 1977.

1978 ditto with two price lists dated February 1978 in red and July 1978 in blue.

1979:  Just price lists dated January 1979 in blue and July 1979 on pink paper. The 1979 catalogue was also available to shops with a hard cover and plastic spline. I was told this was so that it could be left for customer perusal.

1980: There are two versions of the catalogue. I understand because of a complaint there was an additional overprint on page 17 of a later version. This stated " N.B. The above model is assembled using components from an M & L white metal kit.". This refers to the illustration of 37079 Manor 7812 'Erlestoke Manor' in BR black.

I wrote to the company asking for a retail price list and received a reply that they didn't supply such things. I then found one dated January 1980 together with the later version of the catalogue.

1983: A leaflet was issued entitled Limited Availability Locomotives, with Limited Availability Wagons on the other side. This is dated 1/83. Also in 1983 there were offers of free trips on a series of preserved railways.

Finally 1984:  In the main Palitoy catalogue there were 4 pages for Mainline Railways.   The full range available is shown in the price list which accompanied this catalogue.